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About the Wornick PTO

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The Wornick PTO presents an amazing opportunity for parents and teachers to come together to enhance the education of our children and have some fun doing it! 

All parents and teachers are automatically part of our PTO, so there is no need to sign up.  We meet on the second Tuesday of each month, typically right after drop off at 8:15am.    

We encourage everyone to participate in our events and programs throughout the year, including not only our Shabbat Dinner, Book Fair, Chanukkah festivities, and WornickFest, but service opportunities as well. We are like one big family here at Wornick, and want to continue to work together to expand our reach into our community and beyond. We support many organizations “hands on,” through our Tikkun Olam (“repairing the world”) work. Our goal is to make an impact in the community and to teach our children to endeavor to help those that need it, and make the world a better place. Our children learn by example, and even the smallest of our community members can make a huge difference in the lives of others.

Our PTO Community Engagement Committee is again leading the Parent, Guardian, Teacher, & Staff Peulot (“Activity”) Chavurot program. Chavurot means "family or friend groups," and each Chavurah has an activity focus. Wornick students belong to a Chavurah during school hours, so this is a way to bring a similar idea to the adults in our community. You can sign up to be a member or take the lead! The Peulot Chavurot will be self-sustaining, with each group organizing when it would like to meet and how often. To see the list of 2024-25 groups, please click here.

Please click here to view and sign up for PTO committees and volunteer opportunities.

We welcome our parents and teachers to attend our meetings, to hear about what we are doing next, and to provide input and new ideas. Join us!