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Jewish Learning

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Timeless Jewish values and traditions guiding life’s most challenging questions

Jewish learning at Wornick provides our students with a structure for answering life's toughest questions through the lens of Jewish ethics, traditions, texts, and values. Respect for others, oneself, community, and the earth are reinforced throughout our Jewish Studies curriculum. Through an encounter with Jewish core texts, holidays, discussions, arts, service learning, and culture, students are exposed to the breadth of Jewish civilization and our students engage in joyous educational experiences.

At Wornick, students take deep dives into various aspects of the Jewish tradition and become interpreters of timeless texts while strengthening their ability to ask tough questions, read critically, and engage in partnered learning and debate. However, our students come to understand that their study should lead them to action. They are encouraged and motivated to engage in service learning, community projects, ritual celebrations, and leadership opportunities that allow students to use Jewish learning as a vehicle for transforming their worlds. Our 7th grade Tzedakah project is a primary example of this learning process.

Jewish holidays are celebrated at Wornick in a welcoming and inclusive manner. They also represent a wonderful opportunity for leadership by having students hone their public speaking and performance skills as well as curating art and culture that they believe will resonate with our entire school community.

This approach to Jewish learning connects and reinforces our TK-8 Social Emotional Learning program, which emphasizes respectful communication and supports building emotional intelligence skills.

Mission Statement

Ronald C. Wornick Jewish Day School develops students who are socially and academically prepared to meet their full potential as engaged leaders committed to a life steeped in Jewish ethics and values.

Click on the image below to view our Curriculum Summary:

Curriculum Map 2024-25 preview


Click on the image below for information about our Music Education:

Wornick Music Infographic image